Sunday, February 12, 2017


I am the queen of class schedules. It's a fact.
 Considering I'm a student athlete, and have limited time as it is, my scheduling has been quite impressive these first two semesters. This spring I have somehow managed to avoid any and all maths/sciences, and do not have class on fridays. woohoo, yep I know, let's celebrate, right? Well no. With my personality I should've known better, because I am the biggest procrastinator you will ever meet. Me being my lazy self, I put off the entirety of my homework until the weekend rolls around. Now you're probably wondering what this all has to do with "Rapunzella"... well with all my homework piled up, and fast approaching deadlines I decided to relieve some of that stress by taking a Buzzfeed "Which Disney Princess Are You?" quiz.
Because what else would I be doing with my time?

Anyways, I was a bit skeptical at first... I'm not the biggest Disney Princess fan, and I didn't really think I fit the mold of any of these women. I swore to myself if I got sleeping beauty or snow white I was gonna lose my shit, so you can imagine I was happily surprised when I got Rapunzel.
"witty and outgoing, you have a sense of humor that always keeps people smiling. You are constantly on the look for adventure, and don't settle down easily." 
Girl, tell me something I don't know.

I suppose I'll endorse the quiz just this once, and if you're interested in taking it yourself i'll leave the link below. 

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